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Saturday 23rd November

How can you help?

We are pleased to be holding a Christmas Fayre on Saturday 23rd November from 2pm - 4.30pm.


This year we will have our usual fun stalls and games in the classrooms, as well as our Santa's grotto, all of which will accept our tokens. We will also have a traditional carousel for the children in the playground. 

This event will feature performances by the children, as well as the chance to listen to a brass band performance from parents and children and join in with some carol singing at the end of the event. As usual refreshments will be on sale throughout the afternoon. 


For this event to be a success, we will need help in setting up, running stalls and helping to tidy up once the event has finished. We also need plenty of donations to help the event take place. 


The more volunteers we have, the less time people need to help, and the more time everyone has to spend with their children enjoying the event itself. Likewise, the more donations we have, the more money we can raise to support our school. 


Here are some of the ways you can help our Christmas Fayre be a huge success. 

Working on a stall

Running alongside the performances by the children, we will have stalls. These have been allocated to each class. You can find which stalls your class is running below, and the name of the Friends Class Rep who will be managing the stall on the day. 

As well as the class stalls, we also have some additional stalls. These include Tokens (where people can change their money for tokens to spend at the Fayre), refreshments (which will be served throughout the event), and the Silent Auction. 

Each class stall will open from 2pm and close at 4pm so that people staffing the school stalls can take part in the raffle. They are run by two people at a time (more are needed for the refreshments) and we look to fill hourly slots. However, if you are happy to commit more time or can only manage half an hour, please still get in touch. If you would prefer to work alongside someone, or on a particular stall, please tell your Friends Rep or specify that in your message. Otherwise you will be allocated to a stall where help is required. 

The work on the stall will generally involve taking tokens from the children, explaining how to play the game and awarding prizes. Each token is worth 50p and you just need to bundle the tokens into piles of ten and place in the pot provided.


We could really do with as many volunteers as possible. So, please talk to your Friends Rep or message us using the button below.  

Nursery & Reception


Pick a Pudding

Hook a Bauble

Name the Bear

Items needed





Friends Reps

Nursery - Kahli van der Veen

Reception - Viktoria Karoly-Gal   

Year 1


Snowman's Nose 

Lucky Dip


Items needed

 Donate a bottle or £2.00 per

child for mufti day

on Friday 22nd November.

Donations for the raffle

or silent auction, 

Friends Reps

Clare Lacey

Nazma Ali

Year 2


Santa's Sweets

Adopt a Husky

Items needed






Friends Reps

Clare Dean

Katie Richards 

Year 3


Santa's Grotto

Items needed





Friends Rep

Erika Krisciunaite

Year 4


Toy Tombola


Items Needed

New or good quality toys, to be donated by 22nd November. 



Friends Reps

Georgie Fox

Helen Sarner-Taylor

Year 5


Money Tree

 Gift Baskets​

Items needed

Loose change - envelopes for collection to be provided. Needed by 22nd November. 

Small items suitable for a gift -  bag for collection to be provided. Needed by 19th November.

Friends Rep

Karen Adams

Year 6 


Adult Tombola

Silent Auction



Items needed

Donate a bottle or £2.00 per

child for mufti day

on Friday 22nd November.

Donations for the raffle

or silent auction.

Friends Rep​​








Items needed






Hannah Cullen

Katie Simon

Becky Wotherspoon

Karen Adams


Helping to set up and tidy up

If you can't help out on a stall, maybe you could help us beforehand? The Fayre will run from 2pm - 4.30pm, however we will need help setting up and tidying up, once the Fayre has finished. No special skills are required, just a willingness to roll up your sleeves and get stuck in. 


Setting up

Friday 22nd November 3.20pm

We will be starting to get ready for the Fayre from 3.20pm. This will involve getting out tables and equipment we will need for the Saturday.  if you are able to help please come to the hall, you are welcome to bring your children with you.


Saturday 23rd November 11am

From 11am, we will be at the school setting up. We will need help setting up the stalls, arranging any signage, and decorating the hall. It is pretty much all hands on deck and any help at all would be gratefully received. 

Tidying up

Saturday 23rd November 4.30pm

When the Fayre closes, we need to return the school to its previous state. We will need help washing up, tidying up, putting down stalls and returning equipment. It's a dirty job but someone's got to do it, so any help would be much appreciated. 

Make a donation

If you can't donate your time, we could do with as many donations as possible.



At the Fayre we will be running a raffle. If you have a prize you would like to donate that would be incredible. If you are a local business or company and would like to donate a prize we are also happy to feature your logo on our website and also on any Christmas Fayre publicity. 


With any event we run, we look to keep our costs to a minimum, so as much profit as possible goes back to the school. We need things such as catering equipment, table covers, decorations and outdoor covers, such as marquees. If you are able to donate any items you think might be useful, or even loan us equipment for this event, please do get in touch. 

Come along and have fun

Of course, even if you can't help, please come along on the day and have some fun. And if you can invite some friends and family along too, that would be even better!

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