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The Friends are a team of volunteers who organise social events for the children of Hazlemere C of E School and their families throughout the academic year. We aim to raise funds to provide facilities and equipment, which both support and benefit the whole school community. 


Our aim has always been to provide materials and activities not generally provided by schools. Over the years our remit has changed and we now find ourselves working with the school to help them provide equipment and materials that are fundamental to a child’s education.


From laptops, playground equipment, sports and music equipment, to virtual pantos, Christmas party food, discos, science domes. The Friends continue to look for new ideas to raise money and exciting ways we can enhance a child’s time at school.


As with any group, the more people who get involved means less work and stress for everyone. We tend to meet twice a term, at the moment this is done virtually but when we can, we will be returning to meeting at the school.


However, you don’t have to attend the meetings. We love to meet new people and we always need new ideas, so please do contact us with any ideas or offers of help! You can speak to us or your class rep in the playground or message us here.


Katie and Becky

Co-Chairs of The Friends

The Friends Committee 

The Friends committee is generally led by a small group, which must consist of a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. Other roles can be added in at the Chair's discretion. The Friends committee tends to run the Friends for two years, with new committees elected during September at our AGM.


The Friends tend to hold two meetings a term. Currently these take place virtually, but are usually held in the evening, at the school. Each meeting is minuted and you can view our minutes and meeting agendas here.  Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings. As a Charity we have a constitution, which we have to adhere to, please click here to view our constitution.


Assisting the committee are the Friends Class Reps. Each class has their own Friends Rep, a parent or carer who passes on information to their class about events that are running, manages class stalls at our fairs and generally helps us to communicate how our fundraising efforts are going. Meeting attendance is not mandatory and we do ensure those who are unable to attend meetings still receive all the information they need.


The current Friends Class Reps are listed below. If you would be interested in becoming a Friends Rep please do let us know, as vacancies can arise.


Alongside this, are numerous people from the school community who attend meetings, help out at events or offer raffle prizes. There are all sorts of ways that you can help the Friends, so please do get in touch if you have any ideas for new fundraising events or if you would just like to offer your support. 

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Our current Friends Class Reps are: 


Nursery         Kahli van de Veen

Reception     Viktoria Karoly-Gal

Year 1             Clare Lacey/

Nazma Ali 

Katie Richards 

Year 4             Georgie Fox/

Year 6             TBC

Year 3             Erika Krisciunaite

Year 2             Clare Dean/

Year 5             Karen Adams

Helen Sarner-Taylor


Katie Simon


Becky Wotherspoon

Secretary     Karen Adams

Treasurer     Hannah Cullen

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Image by Rizky Subagja

Friends Meeting

Tuesday 11th March 7.45pm

Please join us on Tuesday at the Crown in Hazlemere, when we will be discussing how The Friends will continue in September and planning events to help support the school.



Everyone is welcome. 

Please click here for the meeting information. 

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